- 教授
- 長谷川 誠 HASEGAWA, Makoto
- 専門分野
- 材料強度学, 材料組織学, 破壊力学
- 主な担当授業科目
- 機械加工実習 (2年)、機械設計 (2年)、加工学 (2年)、材料強度学 (3年)
- hasegawa-makoto-zy@(@ の後に ynu.ac.jp を付けてください)
- Lamellar Orientation Control in TiAl Base Alloy by a Two-step Compression Process at High Temperature, Materials Science and Engineering A, 508 (2009) 106-113(共著)
- 金属粒子の違いが金属粒子分散アルミナ複合材料の破壊靱性に与える影響、日本金属学会誌 第78巻 第5号 (2014) 195-200 (共著)
- Microstructural control of Ti-46Al-7Nb-0.7Cr-0.2Ni-0.1Si alloy by heat treatment, Int. J. Mater. Res. 105 (2014) 1075-1083(共著)
- Delamination property of modeled air plasma sprayed-thermal barrier coatings under shear loading: effect of difference in chemical composition of bond coat, Procedia Materials Science, 12 (2016) 83-88 (共著)
- Effects of heat exposure time and temperature on the delamination behavior of air plasma-sprayed thermal barrier coatings under shear loading, Materials Transactions, 57 (2016) 1138-1146(共著)
- 助教
- 専門分野
- 金属組織制御, 金属強度学
- 主な担当授業科目
- 材料工学実験I (3年)、材料工学実験II (3年)
- pramote-thirathipviwat-js@(@ の後に ynu.ac.jp を付けてください)
- A correlation between texture evolution and dislocation density in Al-Mg alloys during uniaxial tensile deformation, Materials Letters 349(2023)134829 (共著)
- Superior fretting wear resistance of 30Nb5Ta30Ti15V20Zr refractory high entropy alloy in a comparison with Ti6Al4V, Materials Letters 339(2023)134105 (共著)
- Microstructure, dislocation density and microhardness of 1% C-doped CoCrFeNi complex concentrated alloys during isochronal annealing, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 930(2023)167504 (共著)
- In-situ neutron diffraction study on a dislocation density in a correlation with strain hardening in Al–Mg alloys, Materials Science and Engineering: A 855(2022)143956 (共著)